May 10, 2011
WELL HEY. here's the low down on this new development!
so waaaaay back when in like.. march (?) we managed to find a piece of land right in this .."wonderful" town of fort smith. it's approximately 0.6 acres and is right on border of the landslide zone (ouuu, scary, eh?) anyways, so the land is ours! :D there's a little shack type thing as well as a fail of an outhouse (eww) already on the land. the shack is gonna be used as storage for building stuff and as far as the outhouse goes.. well i'm hoping that will get taken away (i don't like the thought of a giant hole filled with ancient poop very much at all!). according to dad there's a possibility of breaking ground WITHIN THE NEXT FEW DAYS.. oh yeah. i'm pumped! if everything goes as planned, we should be all moved in by this christmas! so.. wish us luck!
a view of our lot... including that lovely shack :D
side viewwwwwwwww.. if you keep going you'll hit the graveyard and then.. well.. fall into the rapids.
aww, look at da luv burrddss.
WOO, i think i'll just move in there!
MMM, doesn't it look like a wonderful facility to secrete your waste?
OH LOOK, that's the view i'll have from my room!
like father like son :)
burn baby burn (getting rid of the branches and stufffff)
working hard... or hardly working? hehe.
someone likes to party........ IN OUR BACKYARD O:<
oh look! IT'S THE KITCHEN. yeah, you know you're jealous ;)
"the lot even comes with this one of a kind, FREE, television!"
yeah.. our lot was the scene of a horrific helicopter crash. there were no survivors.. mainly cuz there wasn't any passengers..